Moving house or relocating your business often comes with the common question - should I…

Top Tips On Managing Stress During Your Move
It’s no secret that moving home is a very stressful process. It’s nearly always listed as one of the most stressful life events we can ever experience. From packing away all of your worldly possessions to scheduling a van driver and then spilling out into the new place, it can be a lot to deal with, to say the least. Stress has been linked with many health problems, so it’s important to know how to deal with it when it rears its ugly head. Here we give you a few tips on how to manage your stress during a move.
Utilise Deep Breathing Techniques
Using deep breathing is a very popular way of dealing with stress and for good reason. Concentrating on your breathing takes your mind off of the surrounding distractions and stresses. It’s a very easy thing to master and you can do it absolutely anywhere, so it’s certainly something to strongly consider when you’re feeling stressed out.
First, sit somewhere comfortable with a straight back, put a hand on your chest and the other on your stomach and breath deeply through your nose. As you do so, the hand on your stomach should elevate. Then exhale through your mouth as much as possible and contract your abdomen. Repeat this process and count in your head as you do so. Throughout the process, the hand on your stomach should only move very little.
Take Regular Breaks
It’s important to take lots of breaks when you’re doing something stressful. If you notice yourself getting flustered and frustrated, make yourself a cup of tea and sit in the garden for a bit, give a loved one a call or listen to your favourite song and close your eyes. Taking your mind off the task at hand for a short time will give you a second wind to continue.
Although it may not sound particularly relaxing, a short burst of exercise can help to refocus your mind and help you decompress. It sounds strange, but going for a quick jog around the neighbourhood or dancing in your new home can be a great way to let off some steam. Whilst doing this, try not to think of the job at hand and focus on your body as it moves. Remain fully engaged in the moment.
Let Homemaster Relocations Take The Stress From Your Move
If you’re moving house in Shrewsbury and the surrounding area, then look no further than Homemaster Relocations. We provide a wide range of moving services to take the lion’s share of the task from your hands, leaving you to enjoy the moment and settle into your home stress free. To find out more, contact us today.